mer N co.: mwuahuahuahuhaha

the thinkers:

lynnie loo
the mer in mer-n-co
| October 2006 | November 2006 | January 2007 | February 2007 | April 2007 |

Thursday, October 19, 2006
helen @ 5:24 PM   

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leeloo: yes, that's exactly what we want

mb:We will not fall subject to hypercapitalism!

schtoo: page ads would irritate our readership -- oh wait, what readership! Seriously though, if anyone is following this giant running in-joke we're having but calling it a blog please make yourselves known. Leave a comment (because they're working now)!!

leeloo: i mean .. smash the running dog of capitalism. long live the socialist state. let a hundred flowers bloom for ten thousand years.

MB: it worked for switzerland! We shall not conform to advertising on this blog like many other bourgeoise pigs! never! you may have my income captilism! but you will never have my soul!

schtoo: hear, hear -- it is decided then, our page are never to be sullied with crass commercialism. It shall be an oasis of free thoughts for wanderers of the interweb searching for refreshment. Refreshment that can only be matched by an icy cold can of Coca Cola ®.

leeloo: we are the real thing. hurhurhur.

lz: switzerland?

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(c) mer N co 2006. Do not steal. Stealing is wrong.