mer N co.: October 2006

the thinkers:

lynnie loo
the mer in mer-n-co
| October 2006 | November 2006 | January 2007 | February 2007 | April 2007 |

Monday, October 30, 2006
leanda @ 4:34 AM   

Super Soaker Assassins

this has to happen to somebody we know. it just has to. i don't care who to, as long as it happens.

schtoo: ha-HAH! Although there were some civilian notebook casualties.

leeloo: pishposh!! nothing a little fresh air won't fix.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
helen @ 11:47 AM   

where's mer? o_O

MB: Stuck in thesis hell

lz: when will it be over?

u know waht i never got?
is the fact that ms lake's cat walked all over my essay with muddy feet (i cant remember exactly what she said)
but what i dont why it just happened to be MY essay..
she had something against me..
i just know it..

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Friday, October 20, 2006
helen @ 7:53 PM   

when shall we make the big day??

when we announce our fabulous..uh..

we can advertise on msn! myspace! blogs! email signatures!
the possibilities are ENDLESS when you're POPULAR!!! :D

nah but really..
do we need to refine anything??

i think we need more flow..
how bout we 'release' to the 'public' 1st of november


schtoo: so ... this is the product development phase of mer-n-co? Let's make it a goal to be bought by Google in 2 years.

leeloo: i had no idea we were still in hush-hush phase ! i'd already started advertising on my main one. blog-flogging, if you will.

lz: they can be trial monkees :D

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Thursday, October 19, 2006
helen @ 5:24 PM   

Make Money
Use AdSense to earn money with your blog.
New easy signup.

leeloo: yes, that's exactly what we want

mb:We will not fall subject to hypercapitalism!

schtoo: page ads would irritate our readership -- oh wait, what readership! Seriously though, if anyone is following this giant running in-joke we're having but calling it a blog please make yourselves known. Leave a comment (because they're working now)!!

leeloo: i mean .. smash the running dog of capitalism. long live the socialist state. let a hundred flowers bloom for ten thousand years.

MB: it worked for switzerland! We shall not conform to advertising on this blog like many other bourgeoise pigs! never! you may have my income captilism! but you will never have my soul!

schtoo: hear, hear -- it is decided then, our page are never to be sullied with crass commercialism. It shall be an oasis of free thoughts for wanderers of the interweb searching for refreshment. Refreshment that can only be matched by an icy cold can of Coca Cola ®.

leeloo: we are the real thing. hurhurhur.

lz: switzerland?

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
helen @ 9:40 AM   

changed comments settings
non blogspot users can now post comments :D

these are other options..
i wasnt sure what we wanted..

Show comments in a popup window?
Yes No
Show word verification for comments?
Yes No
Enable comment moderation?
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Show profile images on comments?
Yes No

leeloo: yes yes no yes is best i think .. in fact, i will save you the trouble.

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Sunday, October 15, 2006
leanda @ 10:03 PM   

Because i'm sure we could populate a whole thread with them.

Shall I kick things off? Introducing: the highly unneccesary FACE BRA!

MB: I thought that said.. FACE BAR and i had a plethora of images run through my head. one striking image was of a person mixing a cocktail in their mouths. i also imagine a head gear of sorts, like a miniture bar set up on ones head, im not sure where the tap would go though.

LL: WOW !! do you think they will have the range that normal bras have? push-up bras, gel bras and those funny chicken-fillet thingers? tha would indeed be hilarity.

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Thursday, October 12, 2006
leanda @ 10:07 PM   

Is that a cat in your pocket or...
... no no, it is a cat in your pocket.
i think i just died of kawaii overdose

LL: OH SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!! do we melt now or later.

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helen @ 12:09 PM   

no anonymous comments?
but what abt all the haters out there???

LL: what haters? we are too loveable. there will be none.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
leanda @ 1:09 AM   

some old news for new times
lynette said, "if we don't put ourselves out there, we'll never be famous"
to which i replied, "i'm pretty sure that's what this guy thought to himself, too"


MB: i'm still getting over the initial shock of the content of that website.

LL: well call me ker-azy but the last time i checked none of us were 52-year-old virgins channeling tina knowles [link]. and also by out there i didn't mean that far out there ..

lz: why have i seen that guy before?
let me rephrase that
why am i seeing him again?!?!?!

who wants to be famous anyways?
those losers on big brother?
but yes i agree with the statement
"if u want to be famous, you should put urself out tehre"
but then again..i dont think ppl like mother theresa intended to be famous
but then again..she did go out on a limb to help the poor
so whats my point?
i dont know..
thats why i was never good at writing essays..
i cant help but see both sides to the story and this leads to 'sitting on the fence'
which ms lake commanded that we must never do
whats so bad with sitting on the fence neways?

LL: don't we want to be famous? book deal, talkback radio? TEE VEE ?! or was that some kind of cruel joke ..

lz: no..we just want to show the whole world how clever we are :)

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
helen @ 1:54 PM   

the title of this post has been removed for security reasons
oops..have we discussed our internet identities yet?


>.< color="#993399">LL: we are meant to have internet identities? what a big ask !! to create a personality that is intelligent but not too geeky, magnetic without being an attention-seeking camwhore. it's just too much to bear.

merrrrrrrrrr >> what book are you reading? sounds really um .. complex. if it marginalises and stereotypes, then wouldn't it provoke more arguments especially from the people it's marginalising and stereotyping? tiny voices of dissent that grow into the calls of revolution ?! do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men? it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again ... &c &c.

ummmmmmm ... or maybe that made me sound like an idiot. oh look a shiny object! [runs after the the shiny object]

MB: ok i dont know how to change font colours. internet identities hey. can we still be the same ppl via an anonymous electronic interface? is it possible to have mulitple identities online? what happens to the individiual when the individual has power over the construction of their identity, even down to choosing what sex you are. yes all highly problematic questions.

the book im reading or wrtiing about rather is not targeted to me or any academic reader. so im not going to say its content is wrong. its just that from an acaemic perspective, specifically from a literary analysis p.o.v, the way in which the text represents certain muslims and islam is through a binar, because its communicating a really complex idea,
islam is consistently constructed in the negative. its only from an academic perspective that i can do this reading, ya know the stuff i told u earlier about derrida? and how a text is open to multiple readings? well this is one of the readings, and it proves problematic because in its construction Islam in the negative, it has pretty much positioned Islam as not being able to coexist with the west. (unless u conform to the view of Islam the text holds)
so basically it tells me, that i cant exist in the west in the way that i practice my religion. even though i can, because..i am living here and quite happily so.
and while its great that the text calls for reform in islam, yay great, woohoo
that reform means nothing to me if according to the text, i cant pratice it

so yea, thats what it is, and i think my head just exploded, i have enough trouble articulating this to my superviser. in conclusion using binaries as a strategic tool silences voices and these voices have to speak out if this text is to be considered as performing cultural work. which its, as exemplified by the fact that its a bloody new york bestseller

LL : in the editing page there's an icon with a 'T' & a pallette. change colours as you would any other word doc. or you can just keep typing in black. i might stick with purple. i can't help you with your exploded head though .. although we could pass a collection plate around and collect some $$ to buy you a new one? =P

anyway your argument sounds pretty articulate from here. maybe you can copy and paste that entire chunk of text into your thesis !!

i did some readings + an essay on orientalism once, but it was more focused on the way that the architecture was perceived. sometimes it seems that things aren't all that different from what they were in the 17th-18th century, when all things 'eastern' have a tendency to be misunderstood, deliberately or otherwise, by the western world. and in some ways it seems that things haven't really changed. it can be really annoying. i guess i can't exactly relate to everything you're talking about but i can certainly sympathize with yr frustration.

semi-related to your topic. when i was flying to melb in august, this old-ish lady from bunbury was sitting next to me. the rich country type. and we were chatting about light-hearted things like shopping etc. when all of a sudden she goes "what do you think about muslims? don't you think they should take off those scarves?" i was pretty speechless .. i think my answer put her off though.

MB: i dont get a t with a palette. yes architecture is great for considering how cultural movements affect physical objects like modernist architecture and its focus on efficiency, etc
what was your answer to this lady from bunbury? yes numerous amounts of ppl have told my sister that they are offended by her hijab
theory aside, i tell the ignorant fools to shove it!

lepanda: i totally can't believe you used mer's full name on the internet. now everyone knows where she lives and what she ate for breakfast.

MB: ok so theres bits of this of this post odd. yes lz how dare u use my full name. it shall be deleted.

LL: in the "edit" page there's [font] [normal size] [b][i] and then T. there you can pick your colours. .. anyway i told her that it wasn't any more offensive to me than christians wearing crucifixes. and personally in terms of offensiveness/annoyance, i found jehovah's witnesses far more annoying, and yet they are allowed to go on knocking on doors. and then there was an awkward silence. and then i took a nap.

MB: i tell you woman theres nothing! theres like this little abc thing with a tick under it and that check spelling yea, then i click on that and go into the palette thingo, then i highlight the text i want coloured then the post changes colour! and you know what? im just going to stick to black...
or automatic
yes, religious signifiers...they really shouldnt offend anybody i mean, who has the right to get offended abt what ppl wear? if someone has bad fashion sense and is wearing like...polka dot overalls with like nothing underneath i would go that offends me, id go...think again! or something along those lines
ignorance offends me.

lz: black is a good colour to choose..but i dont understand why u dont have that tool bar thing

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helen @ 9:32 AM   

oops forgot
so we edit previous posts if we want to comment huh..

well then..
every time we post something we would have to begin it with our name huh?

lynnie loo: ya huh !! juuuust like this !! maybe change colours so people don't get confused.

lz: oo ja and we should stick to the same colours all the time..hmm i think kho would like the pink..

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Monday, October 09, 2006
helen @ 9:14 AM   

blue bear
this kinda reminds me of that book we used to write crap in :D

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the mer in mer-n-co @ 8:02 AM   

Fear Not!
Its okay! ITS OKAAAY!

i'm here now

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Sunday, October 08, 2006
leanda @ 8:28 PM   

wow it's been aaaaages since i did anything to do with blogs. blog blog blog. heh. hello old friend.

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helen @ 8:16 PM   

mer N co.
how awesome does our title look haha
all profressional, and stuff

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helen @ 7:56 PM   

comesta! :)
if u have google toolbar u can click on this button and wa la! u can post :D

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Unknown @ 6:05 PM   

okay, short one, hello!

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helen @ 10:38 AM   

an experiment
obviously blogging is not as instant as gmail
but lets just try yes?!

i think we can get the blog post sent to email whenever someone publishes..
so that could work..

well since some of u know more about programming and the such..
i'll leave u to it!

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samurai bunnythrow koalas
(c) mer N co 2006. Do not steal. Stealing is wrong.